Location 10: Cowra Japanese War Cemetery – 10.4 Who’s Buried Here

Liong Tjwan Kang’s Story (Audio: 3 min 23 sec; 3.3MB)


Liong Tjwan Kang, buried here in the Japanese Cemetery, was originally from Taiwan. He was a merchant, and in the 1930s, moved to the Dutch East Indies, now Indonesia. He married a local Chinese girl named Lie Nio Ong, settling in Java to raise their children. Taiwan was a Japanese colony from 1895 to 1945. When the Pacific War broke out in 1941, hundreds of Taiwanese were forced into internment by Dutch authorities. So was the Kang family.

In January 1942 all Taiwanese from the Dutch East Indies were sent to internment camps in Australia. The Kang family was sent to Tatura in Victoria. The youngest member of the Kang family, Ping Hoo did not survive the journey. He died shortly after on May 7th, 1943. He was only 10 months old. Despite losing their freedom, the Kang family found comfort in the birth of their first daughter Soei Lian, one year into their internment. She was one of 18 Taiwanese babies born during their internment between 1942 and 46. Unfortunately, barely five months later, father Liong Tjwan died of unknown causes on October 21st, 1943. He was initially buried in Tatura as was his infant son, Ping Hoo.

After the end of the war, the remaining three members of the Kang family were repatriated, again forcibly to Taiwan, a country that felt unfamiliar to them. They had lost everything when they were interned, and Soei Lian grew up not even knowing what her father looked like.

Decades later in 2016, Soei Lian discovered that all those who died while in Tatura had been relocated to Cowra in 1964. So she decided to pay her respects to her father.

On the day before she departed for Australia, her older brother Kwie Tjioe, told her that they had another brother, Ping Hoo, who had died exactly one year before she was born. Soei Lian was shocked. Her mother had never mentioned Ping Hoo.

After travelling more than 7000 kilometres, Soei Lian finally arrived here in Cowra. She found her father’s grave. And on the other side of the cemetery, she also discovered the grave of Ping Hoo, the brother she never even knew existed.

Written by Dr Shi-chi Mike Lan
Read by WeiZen Ho

Producer/Sound Design: Masako Fukui

Music Credits: On the Passing of Time by Kevin MacLeod (freemusicarchive.org) CC by 3.0

Impact Lento by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) CC by 3.0

Photo Credits: Photo 1: Liong Tjwan Kang’s grave plate in the Japanese War Cemetery; Photo by Mayu Kanamori

Photo 2: Liong Tjwan Kang’s Internee Wartime Service and Casualty record kept by Australian authorities during WWII; NAA: MP1103/1, IJ50480

Photo 3: Ping Hoo Kang’s grave plate in the Japanese War Cemetery; Photo by Mayu Kanamori


江良泉(カン・リャンチアン、Liong Tjwan Kang)は台湾出身だが、ここ日本人墓地に埋葬されている。商人だった江は、1930年代に台湾からオランダ領東インド諸島(現在のインドネシア)に移住した。そこで中国人の少女 李娘王 (Lie Nio Ong) と結婚し、子どもを育てるためジャワ島に落ち着いた。台湾は1895年から1945年まで日本の植民地だった。そのため1941年に太平洋戦争が始まると、オランダ当局は数百人の台湾人を収容所へと送った。江一家もその中に含まれていた。

1942年1月、オランダ領東インド諸島に住む台湾人は、全員オーストラリアの収容所へと送られた。江一家はビクトリア州にあるタツラ収容所に移された。家族で一番幼かった 平和

(Ping Hoo) はこの道のりを全うできず、ほどなく亡くなった。1943年5月のことで、わずか10カ月の命だった。収容所での生活も1年が経ち、自由が奪われるなかでも、江一家に安らぎが訪れた。長女秀蓮 (Soei Lian) が誕生したのだ。タツラ収容所では1942年から46年に台湾人の子ども18人が生まれており、秀蓮 はその1人だった。



それから数十年が経った2016年、秀蓮 は、タツラ収容所で亡くなった人がすべて1964年にカウラの墓地に移されていたことを知り、父親の墓参りをしようと決心する。

秀蓮はオーストラリアに向けて出発する前、兄の貴秋 (Kwie Tjioe) から、家族には平和 という兄弟がもう一人いたこと、そして平和 は秀蓮 が生まれるちょうど1年前に亡くなっていたことを聞かされた。秀蓮は大きな衝撃を受けた。母親はこれまで平和のことを一度も口にしたことはなかったからだ。

7000キロ以上の距離を旅し、秀蓮 はようやくカウラの土を踏んだ。父親の墓を見つけ、そして墓地の反対側にある平和の墓、長く存在すら知らなかった兄の墓を見つけた。


英語原文  藍適齊 シーチ・マイク・ラン PhD
朗読 ウェイゼン・ホー

プロデューサー: 福井真佐子

音楽: ケビン・マクラウドの「ザ・パッシング・オブ・タイム」(freemusicarchive.org) CC by 3.0

ケビン・マクラウドの「インパクト・レント」(incompetech.com) CC by 3.0

写真: 写真1: 江良泉の墓標。カウラ日本人戦争墓地にて(撮影・金森マユ)

写真2: 江良泉の「戦時中の抑留者の任務と死傷者の記録(Internee Wartime Service and Casualty record)。第二次大戦中にオーストラリア当局が保管していた(NAA: MP1103/1, IJ50480)

写真3: 江平和の墓標。カウラ日本人戦争墓地にて(撮影:金森マユ)


The Cowra Voices Audio Archive Project 2023

Cowra Council is the copyright holder of all the audio works in the Cowra Voices Audio Archive. If you would like to reuse or copy any of the materials in this Archive, please contact Cowra Council. Australian copyright law is set out in the Copyright Act 1968 (Commonwealth).

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