Between 2022 and 2029, Nikkei Australia is a partner in a major international collaborative project exploring global Nikkei histories. Past Wrongs Future Choices (PWFC) is a $7.5 million project involving a team of 80 researchers, teachers, archivists, librarians and museum curators on five continents, and connects 40 partnering institutions such as universities and museums in Canada, Brazil, Australia, Japan, and the United States. Nikkei Australia is one of the few community organisations to be a partner.
PWFC is an ambitious seven year project, and is the first ever to connect the histories of the mid-twentieth century internment, dispossession, and displacement of people of Japanese descent in allied countries through the Americas and the Pacific. The project is hosted by the Centre for Asia Pacific Initiatives and Centre for Global Studies at the University of Victoria in Canada, and is made possible through substantial ($2.8 million) funding from the Canadian government, announced in mid June 2022.
Based on Nikkei historical documents and stories, the PWFC project will develop four coordinated, multinational museum exhibitions, a digital archive and educational resources as well as three books and a four-part documentary series. The goal is to inspire societies where racialised injustice continues to confront the lessons of history and examine the question of what we owe one another, especially in times of crisis. While this project looks back into the past, the focus is on the future.
Read the PWFC Project Blog for updates on Nikkei Australia’s contributions to the project.
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