JCS Dayori 4 April 2014 Nichigo Press April 2014 Asahi 07 March 2014 Asahi2014March07.pdf Asahi 4 March 2014 Asahi 4 March 2014 [space height=”30″] WEB BASED MEDIA LINKS on Internment Symposium March 2014 Japan Club of Sydney (JCS News_April edition)...
Interpretive board final.pdf (120KB) The interpretive board telling (in English & Japanese) the plight of the Nikkei civilian internees was installed at the Japanese War Cemetery in Cowra on 9 March 2014. It is the first public acknowledgement of its kind for...
Delegates are requested to do registration for the symposium in the afternoon of March 6th Thursday at the Cowra Japanese Gardens or on the morning between 8:30-9:00 on March 7th Friday in the Foyer of the Cowra Civic Centre. * Please note this program is subject...
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