
Japanese in Australia – Japanese footprints over a century was published by the Japan Club of Australia to celebrate the century long friendship between Australia and Japan. This volume contains the footsteps of the Japanese settlers who began to arrive during the Meiji Period, featuring the experiences of Japanese settlers with valuable photos and other materials. It includes important stories from everyday people, encapsulating over one hundred years of Japanese history.

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(Japanese in Australia – Japanese footprints over a century)

全編 (PDF 100MB)


Publisher: Japan Club of Australia,
Managing Editors: Yusuke Aso, Hisaharu Sato, Yoshihide Hosaka and Yushiro Mizukoshi
Production: Moshi-Moshi Pages Australia Pty Ltd

Cover Photo


Japanese canecutters at Hambledon Sugar Plantation near Cairns, North Queensland, about 1896.
(Photo: David C. S. Sissons)

Children in Japanese Sunday School
(Photo: Mayu Kanamori)

Cover Photo

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DOWNLOAD  02_Foreword (PDF 2.58MB)


DOWNLOAD  03-Contents(PDF 1.07MB)



The history of Japanese immigration in Australia began with pearl shell divers and sugar cane workers in the Meiji period, and developed into a positive relationship through the wool trade, rice production, and cooperation between the Australian and Japanese naval forces through the Anglo-Japanese Alliance Treaty. This all changed with World War II, during which time Japanese settlers were placed in internment camps. After the war, at the height of anti-Japanese sentiment, so-called “Japanese War Brides” helped increase broader understanding of Japanese people, and since then Japan-Australia relations have continued to advance, including through the development of trade relations under the backdrop of the Japanese post-war economic miracle, and the commencement of the working holiday programme.

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第1章 明治期から大戦前期
Chapter 1: Meiji Period to Early World War II


This Chapter details immigration from Japan to Australia beginning in the Meiji Period up to the start of the Second World War. It discusses the experiences of pearl shell divers, and early pioneers in Japan-Australia relations including trader Fusajiro Kanematsu, rice cultivator Jo Takasuka, and Japanese Naval Captain Tamisaburo Miyaji, who defended the Australian navy in World War One.

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第2章 戦時下、収容所時代
Chapter 2: Wartime and Internment


As a direct result of Japan entering into war with the United States and the Great Britain, Japanese people living in Australia were placed in internment camps and later forcibly returned to Japan. Chapter 2 explores this dark period of Japanese-Australian history, discussing the experiences of those living in internment, relations during and after the war, the memories of second-generation Japanese immigrants (Nisei), and the Cowra POW camp, which has come to be known as a symbol of reconciliation between Japan and Australia.

DOWNLOAD  06-Chapter_2  (PDF 13.6MB)

第3章 国交回復・経済交流の時代
Chapter 3: Restoration of Diplomatic Relations and Economic Exchange


After the war anti-Japanese sentiment remained high, and Japanese continued to face hardships. Life was particularly difficult for the “War Brides”, Japanese women who immigrated to Australia after marrying allied soldiers stationed in Japan. The restoration of diplomatic relations also saw the arrival of trading company staff involved in the wool trade, the return of those who had been forcibly deported after the war, university academics and researchers, ABC radio Japanese language broadcasters, and others. In this Chapter, the breakdown of relations as a result of the war, the gradual revival of these relations, and their subsequent development are discussed.

DOWNLOAD  07-Chapter_3  (PDF 13.3MB)

第4章 技術・文化移住の時代
Chapter 4: The Age of Skilled and Cultural Migration


Beginning in the 1970’s, Japan-Australia relations began to develop not only economically, but culturally as well. From this period onwards, Japanese immigration expanded from businessmen to include a wide range of people. Specialists in traditional arts such as Karate, pottery, Bonsai and Nichibu traditional Japanese dance as well as other technical experts began arriving in Australia, and from the 1980’s onwards Japanese tourists also increased in number, leading to Japanese restaurants, souvenir shops, and grocery stores, and the development of the Japanese-Australian (Nikkei) community.

DOWNLOAD  08-Chapter_4  (PDF 19.1MB)

第5章 全豪日本クラブとその他日系団体
Chapter 5: The Japan Club of Australia and other Japanese organizations

>1980年代、日本からの移住者が増えだした頃、JICA 国際協力事業団(当時)が海外在留邦人の支援ということで移住者に対する様々な情報提供を行っていたが、そこで知り合った日本人移住者が集まり各地に日本クラブが設立されます。本章ではシドニー、メルボルン、ブリスベン、パースの各日本クラブの誕生とその活動、その連合組織として1991年に結成された全豪日本クラブの活動、および、その他の日系団体が紹介されています。

In the 1980’s, when immigration from Japan was increasing, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) acted as an information provider to help support Japanese people living overseas. It was through this support from JICA that Japanese immigrants connected with one another and established Japan clubs. This chapter will discuss the origins and activities of clubs in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Perth, as well as the organisation of these groups into the Australia-wide Japan club in 1991, and will introduce other Japan-related organisations.

DOWNLOAD 09-Chapter_5  (PDF 11.9MB)

History of Japan-Australia relations


This chapter draws together a timeline of the 130 year history of Japan Australia relations, beginning in 1867 with the arrival and performances by a Japanese circus troupe, all the way up to then the Japanese Prime Minister Hashimoto’s visit to Australia in 1997. Please view this together with the Japanese immigration history map in the introduction. A list of related books listed in chronological order for reference is also included here.

DOWNLOAD  10-Chapter_chronology  (PDF 3.27MB)

List of Japan clubs and related organizations


A list of Japan clubs, Japanese government organisations, related Nikkei organisations, and their contact details. Correct at time of publication.

DOWNLOAD  11-List of related organizations  (PDF 1.64MB)

List of sponsors, organizations and individuals


Half of the funding for this publication was provided the Japanese government as a Japan-Australia friendship project, with the remaining funding coming from JICA, Japanese businesses, and individuals. This is a list of organisations and individuals who endorsed this publication.

DOWNLOAD 12-List of sponsors  (PDF 1.71MB)

Editorial postscript and imprint

DOWNLOAD 13-Editor’s note (PDF 729KB)

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