Jetty to Jetty

Jetty to Jetty Heritage Trail was awarded the 2016 Australian Institute of Landscape Architect (AILA) National and State (WA) Awards for Tourism.

Featuring Yawuru and other stories from Broome, Jetty to Jetty includes pearling, war, internment and heritage, and many more memories of old Broome, including Nikkei story-tellers Pearl Hamaguchi, Cauline Masuda, Kunihiko Kaino, and late Istushi Shioji.

Collaborators: 28 story-tellers, Nyamba Buru Yawuru, Sarah Yu, Bart Pigram, Mayu Kanamori (Nikkei Australia), UDLA, Vanessa Margetts, Jeremy Macmath, ThoughWorks Inc, Lotterywest, Tourism Council Western Australia and Shire of Broome.

Listen to Broome stories by downloading a free Jetty to Jetty app.


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