Civilian internment in Australia during WW2: history, memories and community heritage

7-9 March 2014, Cowra NSW (To be confirmed)

Call for papers: 

We have limited spaces but welcome individual papers on any of the following areas of civilian internment in Australia during WW2. If you are interested in presenting a paper, please email an initial expression of interest with a tentative title and a 150-200 word description to the symposium conveners by 31 October, 2013.

Organisers are interested in papers on the following areas :

  • Stories of Internment experience in Australia during WW2
  • Experiences of local communities where these internment camps were constructed
  • Camp staff
  • Civilian internment in creative writing, visual art and performance
  • Civilian Internment in Australia during WW2
  • Internment camps at Loveday , S.A, Hay, NSW, and Tatura, Victoria
  • Socio-historical studies of local communities’ experiences where these internment camps (Loveday, Hay and Tatura) were constructed
  • Camp staff
  • Life stories of former internees
  • Civilian internment in fictional writing, visual art and performances

For further information about the symposium, contact symposium conveners:

Dr Yuriko Nagata,The University of Queensland 

Dr Keiko Tamura, The Australian National University


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