The Clothesline Review by Michael Coghlan, September 2014
‘The whole package of live dialogue, screened images, recorded interviewsand soundscape effects is all in perfect balance and takes you back and forth betweentwo cultures – it is both an Australian story and a Japanese story. It is a sad fact thatmany Japanese people living happily in Australia before World War II became unwittingcasualties of history when the war broke and were imprisoned in detention centres.Stories like Through A Distant Lens are important because they offer an alternative viewof the role of the Japanese in Australia in the 20th century, and a different culturalperspective on the role of the artist. In the words of the ghost of Murakami, “contributionwithout recognition” is a noble position for an artist to take. Enriching and enlightening.’ Michael Coghlan
Realtime Arts Review of 2014 Darwin Festival by Nicola Fearn
‘Diverse story-telling techniques are used to unearth secrets and truths which are based on historical research: direct address, acted scenes, projected still images and interactive film of Murakami’s stern traditional mother played by Yumi Umiumare .The character of Murakami appears as a ghost with camera in hand to talk about life and art with young Mayu’. By Nicola Fearn
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